Railyard Community Event
Join us and our partners at the Railyard from 10 am to 2 pm for activities, tables/booths, and great giveaways. Come learn how to create a waterwise pollinator garden at your home or business. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn about water at a fun, engaging family-friendly event.
Waterwise Garden Tour
From 8-10am visit our Water Conservation Xeriscape & Cactus Demonstration Gardens to learn what to plant for a healthy waterwise, pollinator garden. Located across the parking lot from Yoga Source and Midtown Bistro off San Mateo Rd.
Raingarden Tour
From 2-4pm learn how to create beautiful rain gardens. Reese Baker of The Raincatcher will be giving a tour of his Raingardens. Located at 1925 Aspen Drive in Santa Fe.

THERE WILL BE 5 LUCKY WINNERS! Community event attendees will be entered to win a rainbarrel. You can “stack” your entries by making each tour stop, i.e. if you attend all three events (Railyard, Water Conservation Office, and Reese Baker's Raingardens) you’ll earn three entries. Other giveaways include packets of native seeds, Water Activities Booklet for kids, and much more.