Santa Feans Encouraged to Participate in Campaign to Raise Awareness About The Value of Water
The Santa Fe Water Conservation Office is joining elected officials, water utility providers, community leaders, policy experts, and advocacy organizations to participate in Imagine A Day Without Water, an effort to educate the public about the value of water and how it impacts us on a daily basis.
The Water Conservation Office is asking Santa Feans to join in this effort via social media to tell your stories about a day in your life without water. Participants are encouraged to use the hashtags #ValueWater and #SaveWaterSantaFe on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The City of Santa Fe has a robust supply of water sources, however, Santa Fe’s high desert environment can greatly impact our long term water supply. The Imagine A Day Without Water campaign aims to tell every day stories about how valuable water is, as well as the stories of innovative solutions to our nation’s water challenges.
This campaign is organized by the Value of Water Coalition.