Irrigation Audit
Save water in your landscape with an irrigation water audit.

What is QWEL?
QWEL stands for Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper. QWEL Pros have been trained in efficient irrigation principles and sustainable landscaping practices.
Become Certified
Become a Qualified Water Efficient Landscape (QWEL) Auditor
Save water in your landscape with an irrigation water audit. The city is partnered with the Santa Fe Community College and QWEL to train and provide irrigation water audits. QWEL is an EPA WaterSense labeled Professional Certification Program for irrigation system audits.
The Partnership has received national recognition from the WaterSense program for continued efforts in promoting water use efficiency in our region and beyond. For three consecutive years (2014-16) the Partnership was the recipient of the Professional Certifying Partner of the Year award for its work in educating landscape professionals through its WaterSense labeled QWEL professional certification program. For three consecutive years (2017-19) the Partnership has been the recipient of the Sustained Excellence Award.
Find a QWEL auditor for your landscape needs. If you're a landscaper interested in becoming QWEL certified, click here to register for a class.