We all know we are in a historic megadrought. We also know we are in the middle of our monsoon season. We can all be reminded of why water conservation is important all the time and not just during dry years.
Saving water means caring for our limited water supply properly that we depend on to sustain life. Water conservation is not reserved for only hydrologists and water planners. It is up to each one of us to use water efficiently.
Water is first and foremost for survival. We all use it for drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking and growing food. It helps industry generate electricity, manufacture products and transport people, goods and services.
Saving water helps keep the environment healthy by diverting less water from our watersheds and rivers. It reduces treatment costs and energy used to treat, pump and heat water for our daily use. This in turn lowers energy demand to help prevent air pollution and conserves fuel resources.
Being efficient with our water makes more water available for recreational uses. Quality of life is important. And it is not just about golf courses or swimming pools. Our water also beautifies our lawns, trees, flowers and vegetable gardens that in turn support essential water smart pollinator habitats and reduce the effects of climate change. We can’t risk losing out on such uses later.
Water makes our community safe and beautiful. We use it for firefighting, watering public areas such as parks and athletic fields. It is used to fill public drinking fountains, including those at schools and libraries. Businesses in our community also use water to provide services to all of us. Think of all the water that is used by restaurants, hospitals, laundries, dry cleaners, hotels, car washes, beaty and barber shops, gas stations, health clubs and pretty much any business in Santa Fe.
Water conservation requires effort and forethought, but every little bit we do helps. What each of us does matters. Look at what we have accomplished reducing our daily water use! Our community has made water conservation a way of life.
Water conservation remains the most direct way to address drought, so it’s critical that drought-conscious Santa Feans remain committed to our water-wise lifestyles. To learn more about how you can save water both indoors and outdoors, visit www.savewatersantafe.com.
Drought or no drought, monsoons or no monsoons, we can all use a reminder to do the following:
- Don’t water between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- Only water three times a week.
- Download the Eye On Water app. The Eye On Water app gives real time water use feedback and notifications on undetected and costly leaks.
- Learn how to tackle leaks
- Replace toilets, clothes and dishwashers and install rain barrels and cisterns, irrigation equipment, and laundry to landscape gray water to earn a rebate and save water. rebates
- Understand the Bees, Trees, and Water program and TreeSmart Santa Fe initiative.
- Plant only native and drought tolerant plants and double as pollinator habitats when possible.
- Ask the City for a free water assessment to identify ways to lower water use.
- Understand water restrictions and rules. You can find out here.
- Call the Water Waste Hotline 505.955.4222