City of Santa Fe Water Conservation and Drought Management Plan 2015: 2020 Addendum
Goals & Scorecards
The WCO uses a scorecard, developed with the Water Conservation Committee, to guide and track the performance of the office. This has been an effective way to focus the work of the office, to report progress to oversight committees, and to develop new programs. Many of these programs are successful ongoing projects that will continue to be a part of the 2020-2025 Water Conservation Goals.
The existing Water Conservation scorecard is the basis for the Water Conservation Goals being developed for the City of Santa Fe Water Conservation and Drought Management Plan 2015: 2020 Addendum (5-Year Water Conservation Plan). The 5-Year Scorecard and a 2020 Annual Scorecard are divided into the same four categories based on broad goals:
- Education, Outreach & Communication;
- Customer Service;
- Partnerships & Pilot Projects; and
- Effective Program Management
5-Year Scorecard
The 5-Year Scorecard is designed to provide broad guidance to the WCO and the programs proposed in that document are multi-year goals. The 5-Year Scorecard also evaluates the resource allocation needed to complete the program as well as project alignment with the public input and planning matrices.
The 2020 Annual Scorecard is comprised of specific programs and projects to address the long term goals from the 5-Year Scorecard. The Annual Scorecard is developed by WCO staff, approved by the WCC, and is used to track progress and provide accountability and transparency. The Annual Scorecard is posted on the WCO website and public input will be collected every summer to inform the following year’s scorecard.
2020 Scorecard
The 2020 Annual Scorecard is comprised of specific programs and projects to address the long term goals from the 5-Year Scorecard. The Annual Scorecard is developed by WCO staff, approved by the WCC, and is used to track progress and provide accountability and transparency. The Annual Scorecard is posted on the WCO website and public input will be collected every summer to inform the following year’s scorecard.For information about the 2020 Scorecard click here.
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