QWEL Landscape Training Spring 2014

As the climate in Santa Fe gets hotter and drier, the demand for “smart” irrigation technology is increasing. “Smart” landscape professionals understand these technologies, local soil and weather conditions, and trends in water-efficientmiles water audit 3 irrigation systems.

Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) training and certification gives professional landscapers up-to-date knowledge in water efficient and sustainable landscape practices, including design, maintenance and operation of “smart” irrigation systems, which can reduce landscape water demand.

Training is geared toward the licensed landscape professional with prior experience in the field.

The Water Conservation Office will be offering a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training to Landscape Professionals in April 2014.The class size will be limited to 25 landscape professionals. The cost is $75. To register for the class, fill out the online application.

The deadline to register is Friday, April 18, 2014, and payment must be received by the first day of class. Class dates are April 23, 24, 29, 30, 2014, and the exam will take place on May 1, 2014.